Top 10 Causes of Incontinence

Posted by Laurie

2023 Mar 7th

Top 10 Causes of Incontinence

To help understand the causes of incontinence, we've compiled a concise list of the top 10 causes, which can affect both adults and younger individuals. However, we advise consulting a healthcare professional if you're experiencing any form of incontinence, as this is not an exhaustive list.

1. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) - UTIs can cause inflammation and irritation in the urinary tract, leading to incontinence.

2. Prostate problems - Enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, and prostate surgery can all cause incontinence in men.

3.Neurological conditions - Neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and Parkinson's disease can affect the nerve signals that control the bladder, leading to incontinence.

4. Childbirth - Childbirth can cause damage to the pelvic muscles and nerves, leading to incontinence.

5. Menopause - Menopause can cause changes in the pelvic muscles and nerves, leading to incontinence.

6. Obesity - Being overweight can put extra pressure on the bladder, leading to incontinence.

7. Constipation - Constipation can put extra pressure on the bladder, leading to incontinence.

8. Certain medications - Certain medications such as diuretics and sedatives can affect bladder control and lead to incontinence.

9. Alcohol and caffeine consumption - Consuming large amounts of alcohol and caffeine can irritate the bladder and lead to incontinence.

10. Bladder prolapse - A condition in which the bladder falls into the vagina, can lead to incontinence.